Well, this has been long sitted in "my-to-do-list" but my resources are just too limited recently in view of my hectic life.........
So here comes finally our recent vacation updates......
I have to admit that i have had a wrong perception of Trengganu prior to my visit to the state. It turned out to be way out of my initial imagination !! I felt guilty to be so bias.....
In fact district like Kemaman really opened my eyes wide as it was so well developed & busy to the extend of looking better than the town itself. The shops in town were still lacking in terms of many famous brand names we heard here in KL, probably due to different demands from the crowd there. I had a little bit of the same feeling I used to have in A-Setar town!
We were not left with much time to explore the city. The moment we checked into Primula hotel, all we needed was a good laid on the bed for the sore back & bum having seated in the car for.............like 7 hours plus.

Here was the view from our hotel room:

We drove slowly & stopped at Kuantan Berjaya Mall during lunch, for the kids really needed a break. But i must say both my boys behaved "pretty well" through out the journey............thanks to the "earlier anticipation" that i had !!!

After giving the strained back some rest, got ourselves shower, it was time to hunt for a place to dine. And boy.........it took us by real surprise in our effort to locate a chinese restaurant. That really made me ponder how the chinese could survive there! And if u ever give a thought of eating "that meal...p*rk" ..........carry on to dream lar !!! In the end, we sought advice from the hotel staff who recommended one which was just less than 5 min drive from d hotel. Huby was shock when the malay staff actually said the food there was "very sedap" woh.......we were thinking....eh how come malay also eat in chinese restaurant...........rupa-rupanya, it was a halal rest!! The food ok loh.......
The next morning, everyone gathered at the jetty waiting for the arrival of the boat that ferry us to the island.

I've never worry over boat-ride for myself as it wasn't my first time; i had been to Tioman, Langkawi & Pangkor. But this time around it was unusual. The wave was not in a good mood. Just minutes after the boat speeded up, i already felt the spin in my head.......probably shouldn't have eaten spicy food in breakfast earlier. Then, i wasn't feeling good all the way. Already in ever ready to vomit condition......i was trying very hard to hold it back by closing my eyes, leading my brain away to some other beautiful scenery.........BUT not long after, huby called upon me to pass him a plastic bag coz my Sean showed symptom of vomiting already!!
Then, yeah Sean vomitted finally........then my boy got me infected, the moment i saw him vomit, i can't hold back anymore......yes yes yes i vomitted finally, so damn embarassing, sucks!!
After a 1 & 1/2 hour boat ride, we were finally greeted with the beautiful sight of the beach.

Frankly speaking, i wasn't really impressed with the island. No doubt it has a very clear & clean water......coz much less polluted, but other than that, there were really nothing more exciting you could expect from the place! The amenities within the entire resort area were too boring. There were only an open area for watching Astro, mahjong, snooker, karaoke(only night time) & of course the beach.........The place may be good for those looking for pure relaxation but for me that's just not enuf.........boring!!

The kids were however enjoying themselves very very much............

Fish feeding time..................

Watching sunset was really awesome.............

And i particularly hated the feeling of stepping the wooden floor which was full of sand even including our room meant for sleeping........imagine the feeling of sleeping on mattress with lots of sand... yuck yuck yuck.......very uneasy!! Below was the dining area. The meal provided was also so bad & limited........(can't complaint coz 'cheap thing no good',' good thing no cheap'.......very true). If you were slightly late.....there you will have to eat "left over"!! Suddenly, we felt even green veggies became so important......!!!!

As for the main activity i.e. snorkeling, it was also arranged at the Redang's marine park (Taman Laut Redang, about 1/2 hour boat ride from Lang Tengah) as the corals there were more beautiful & the varieties of fish were also tremendous! But of course, if one is to stay in any of the Redang resort, that would cost very very much more........
It was yet another memorable snorkeling session for me. After snorkeling, the boat sent us to a famous & beautiful beach resort called Laguna Beach Resort. True enough it was a very beautiful resort with good landscape.

Anyone ever knew why this place was so popular??? Let me tell u............
Gratitude will have to be given to HK TVB for choosing the place for one of their romantic movie that featured Sammi Cheng & Richie Ren which has its' title as "mo mo char" or "More More Tea Inn". Here was the shop that was mostly seen in the movie & now has became a hotspot for our local "jakun" tourists !!

However, back to our resort, there was an activity that managed to attract our attention & interest. As mid-nite approached, we were led to view the life of some under water livings! By then, the sea water has dried up (not sure of the term) & became very shallow so by using only torch lights, guess what we discovered???
******.............NEMO FISH ahh !!!
It was just so amazing !!! Imagine the reaction of my boys........they were too excited until they almost kill the fish............treated them like toys........aduh........slap forehead or not???

Finally without much realisation, the 3 days 2 nites stay ended so fast. We did not drove all the way from Merang jetty to KL but stop over for a nite in Kuantan.
After having bore with the salty, wet & full of sand resort room for the past 3 days, we were so thankful to have such a "nice" hotel room in Kuantan..................hehehehehe!!

We arrived Kuantan slightly late in the afternoon. Since we already taken leave on that working day, we thought might as well we utilised our time in Kuantan more productively. So, all the men were in need of a hair-cut at that point of time so there, they got the task done.

After the hair cut, we went to catch Transformer movie at 6:40pm.......no need to queue like mad in KL. The boys got excited & stay tuned for about 45 mins but soon after, they actually doze off.......guess they were still too young to understand the complicated story lines!!!
We also managed to take a walk with the kids along Teluk Cempedak beach........a place that left "us" sweet memory back then during our courting time......kekeke!! Then there was this curry laksa that was so yummy......packed back to hotel !!! droooling ehh???

Finally featured here was the "keropok lekor".........the "signature product" of Trengganu. We heard & saw a lot in KL but frankly i've never seen the exactly same one like the below. They looked very thick but were super soft in texture. They were still hot burning when we bought them. In less than 15 minutes, all were gone, whalloped by us in the car. And i can't remember how many times, my huby mumbled to me how regret we only bought 1 pack. He said we should at least bought another pack, after all it costs only RM2 per pack.....so damn cheap woh!!

Conclusion, if you ask me will i ever visit the east coast island again.............it will have to be many many more years before i will do it again !!!
blek blek blek (^_^)