We FINALLY celebrated our mom's 57th b'day which falls on the last deepavali day.....phew, yes u read it correctly...... that was quite some time!! I got very frustrated & agitated each time little 'big day' like this approached! Almost everytime (if not all) would take us siblings so long to decide A DAY to gather for a family dinner!
For information, i have 5 (all girls) siblings with only the youngest one unmarried. Yeah, it means everyone has their own family....own schedule, own career, children's schedule & etc etc that became factors of consideration in compromising a day for our dear mom.........BUT i believe i wasn't wrong to say that it's only A DAY in a year (365 days).....or maybe 2 days in a year (to include dad) so what makes it so difficult to compromise???? A question that only my other sisters could answer.........
Excuses that caused the delay: concert to attend, outstation, overseas, friend's wedding & etc etc.....arghhh !!
Having said all, i still like to believe we are all good daughters that wish to celebrate our dear mom's birthday indefinitely..........and i'm gonna count it out here....year by year !!
H A P P Y 5 7 TH B I R T H D A Y MI...................and many more to come !!!
We had our dinner at the new Oriental Pavillion restaurant in Jaya33, Section 14 PJ. Very nice ambiance to follow the rocketed price of the food. There were fewer set menu as compared to the old restaurant. Can you imagine the package set of RM598++ came without sharks fin soup??? tsk tsk tsk....that was terrible. As sharks fin was mom's favourite, we were left with no choice but the next available package at RM798++ ...........wow.....pricey or not??
Surely pricey but came with quality too of course..............see below was the starter dish...not everyone could appreciate it as it was all 'cold' !!
Needless to mention, the sharks fin soup was superb !!
Since we have 9 adults + 5 kids, some additional dishes were ordered......
With the 5 & 10% service/tax charges, peanuts, warm water at RM1 per glass & etc....the final total bills came to a RM1k++ !!!! But once a year & shared by so many of us....never mind lar !!
not everyday we get to see food served like that. also match the price u are paying....so nice!
the food u post here, make me 'lou hou sui' lei .. so yummy, i like the soup ... yummy....
My hubby always said, doesnt matter spend on the food, it's for us to eat wan... but dun spend too much on shopping ... *-* (slap head)
Happy Belated Birthday to you mom. Looks like you had a very yummy dinner indeed. :)
wow, those food look good! Happy belated birthday to aunty. By the way, which one is you, Jacss?
wow nice dinner you all had :)
Happy belated birthday!!!
Yes, after we have our own family really very hard to get together but we all try to gather every weekend so can get some family gathering feel.
soo yummy yummy the food...she must be soo happy....
thank you for all the b'day greetings!! and the food were indeed great....worth d price lar!!
- as mentioned in my post, d one in light blue strip is my no.4 younger sis...
- d specky skinny one in brown is no.1, my eldest sis...
- the one in blue is obviously the mumy of the little baby she was carrying, she's my no. 3 younger sis...
- and i'm the no.2...only one left rite....can guess now?? the fatest of all....in grey, hehehe!!
i want to go there edi? btw how many sis u hv, like many leh..
birthday mama must be happy!!!
Happy belated birthday aunty!!
I like the food, so yum yum!
Jacss u had a new hair cut ka? Look a bit different?
Now I know which one is you, Jacss. Nice meeting you.
lama lama satu kali okay la!
ai...back to work now
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