Yes, finally i've landed my foot for the first time at the National Science Centre, our country's pride. I never expect the coverage of our science centre could be so comprehensive.......It was a very impressive outcome for me!
For those who has not make a trip, do not hesitate to bring your toddlers or kids there. Entrance was cheap adults-RM6, children (3 & above)-RM3 and believe me it could occupy your kids at least half the day! 
Half way thru our journey, i realised how lost i was. In order to digest most of the science-related displays & exhibitions, one needed at least some decent science knowledges......which i used to possessed in my schooling years BUT now........i've to acknowledge that i'd returned them all to our dear teachers !!!
After a whole long hour, i began to feel exhausted & bored with the journey but my boys did not showed any symptom of fatigue as they continue to explore, explore & explore with much excitements!!!
The boys also posed quite a number of unexpected & silly remarks & questions which made us giggles & speechless!!
One that ticked me off was: mumy, i like to drive the rocket so much wor !!!! (but i thot that job kenot be rich wan !!!)
Then, dady said rocket no need a driver .............which raised my eye brow too, i'm not sure how true it is but i definitely has no idea even with basic operation of the rocket.......**wink wink**
As i can't bear with the adventures anymore, i was the one that was whinning to go home as the boys were just too excited to call it a day !! So after much persuasion, huby finally gave in to my request....poor mumy!!
On our way home, we stopped by Sect 17 again to get one of our favourite cakes....mille crepe but it was gone too fast so no time for photo!!
But i just love their X'MAS package box so much......
Sounds like just the place that mummy and daddy should also visit more often. Both of them probably wished that they had payed more attention to their teachers all those years ago,
Wat a fun n educational day... for the kids. But mummy so 'sou heng' one. Bising wanna go home. LOL
Truly a nice and good place to visit for kids :) Good explore for them.
Wow, u've a future scientist and an astronaut.
I've been there 'eh' years ago, totally forgotten what's inside. What u mentioned should sound interesting but too bored for u? The place which interest u most was the place where they have food ..... Hahahahaha!
love that gigantic piano!!
Guess what, i just passed there yesterday. will bring qiqi and hubby there one day :)
Wow.. looks good and the boys have lots of fun..
We always passed by but never stepped in. Maybe should bring my girls there too.
uncB: yes, i need to go back to school.....hahaha
ginie: yes, i'm the most UNadventurous one at time to come, the men will leave me at home while they go hunting out.....sob sob sob!!
anggie: wait till yr boy grow older, pay a's worth!
cnee: drop by lar, dun just passed by....
agnes: another one only passed by, next time around, made yr step in....let zara explore, she'll love it...
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