Our precious twins

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Monday, September 22, 2008

The twins and their weekends.....

My boys had a very weird sleeping habit. Either one of their hands or legs got to be clinging/touching someone (either huby or me). And even if we managed to shoo them away while they were fast asleep, they tend to be easily woken up if their hands & legs aren't touching any human!! Usually huby needs to allow himself to lie down in between d 2 boys when they are ready to retire..... Their queen bed is just next to ours but every night without failing, they will get up punctually & crawl up to our bed so we will end up with 4 fat pigs & piggies squeezing on d king size bed the next morning!! At times, it can be really frustrating coz it kinda limits our movement which also means we hardly have a very flexible & comfortable sleep...... :( sigh!

Despite we renovated their bedroom & tried putting them to sleep in their comfy mattress, they will still get up in d middle of the night & WALK back into our room !!! sei mou.....??
Now i began to wonder if it was due to the "physical CLOSENESS" they had been experiencing ever since in the womb.....being twins....that they are now in dire need of companionship ??!!! Since birth, they had been living & doing things in pair.....doing almost everything under the sun together. But lately, dady & mumy are getting lesser & lesser in tolerance with this habit. We will 'beat' / 'push' their limbs away whenever they tried to sneak under us.....and at times dady even reluctant to entertain their request to sleep in between them!! Dady said: big boy edi.......
So few nights ago, while dady was busying with his laptop in d room, i caught them hugging each other (seeking companionship) like d below, ...... LOL !!!

Awwww.....no matter how much they fought.......

Saturday was another busy day for us. First half of the day was gone with the boys attending their abacus arithmetic lesson. Both huby & I actually wasted 2 hours hanging around waiting for the boys to finish the class which can be tiring too. Turning back home was a tad far in distance....:(P.......By the time we were done, we had about an hour of rest in the afternoon before i started my cooking for that night.
Another pot luck session at my elder sister house which is just across our housing area, hers is the new phase!! Sister invited mom & dad over for dinner so since we were so near, it would be more merrier to have us around.
We reached her place earlier as the boys had been very whinny for another cycling session on the road!! Right opposite sis's house has a quite steepy road which the kids deemed very fun for their cycling stunts but huby mentioned that he was so worried seeing the boys speeding down with the bicycle!! Just a rock, they would have trip & fall rolling......... The sad thing was, the boys were not keen to put on the safety gears (ankle & knee pads) we bought them last week!! Apparently, they claimed that the pads made them uncomfortable with their movements!! And we've yet to find a good helmet.... Guess, we gotta be more strict in enforcing the safety gears ruling on the boys the next time around, or else they would risk not having another cycling session!

My 'fatty' Sean showed a 'nasty' face coz he was forced to stop by his mumy for a photoshot....hahaha

The ever smiley Scot........

Since it was pot luck, i'm sure you wana know what was my 'showcase' for the night.......rite??
Here you go :
Grilled Teriyaki Chicken satay/skewers with carrot, pumpkin & cucumber !!

Steam minced chicken meat on japanese tofu. Top with finely grated carrot & cucumber!

.... GOOD AHH ....???

NEXT are my sister's offerings :

She's a big fan of soup, without one in a meal would die type!

So here is her " hak yi kai "/ black chicken herbal soup

Others were steam fish, minced meat with tofu (yes again....) & veggies....

Our dinner ended around 9:30 pm.....obviously continued with the chinese tea session over the dining table 'gossiping'....

OOh ya, btw i ventured a little further last weekend with baking some simple cookies, the recipe of which i adopted from the blogsphere....

As it was a virgin attempt, i expected some kind of failure but was indeed surprised that it turned out very 'ok' !!!

Before decor......

After decor......

My almond & orange cookies

The following day (a sunday), i had agreed with my mag (4th sis) to bake some cupcakes for her colleagues, a little treat that she wanted to give her colleagues as she bids farewell to that department!! alamak........ u say i pressure or not....?? next post ya.....

btw, i forced mag to take a box of my cookies for her colleagues too, where she had initially hesitated. Then her sister win over the persuasion, so off she brought the cookies along to work on Monday!! This evening (Monday), she SMSed me saying :

eh, your cookies very 'laku' la, before lunch time oredi finished.......can make bis!! ngek...ngek...ngek !!! thou i can confidently said that the cookies are edible, of course i knew that my lil sister was actually teasing me!! aiya, for m'sian.... free 'makan' sure can finish wan.....rite??

The monday blues had already over......hope u will have a good week ahead !!


Anonymous said...

i like to see the sleeping post...so sayang. my uncle, twins too. even though that they are married with kids, they still hug each other when they nap in the hall.

Anonymous said...

The photo is so lovely and precious. WAhh..you can really cook and bake hor. Hmmm..wish I can be like you ler.

Physiomom said...

Ha Ha guess what ..my twin boys oso sleep like that on the carpet though they each have a bed..they wont sleep separatelt. As for my girls they oso like to raba-raba before they sleep.if we remove our hand, ear or leg, they will sure wake up!! funny eh kids these days.

Physiomom said...

I'm gonna curi your steam taufu idea but modified sikit in my next weekend cooking. Check it out this weeeknd in my blog. Take care!

Annie Q said...

that sound so familiar!! hahahhaha
but me always is the one that sleep on centre, and the two boys will be on my side. We three will occupied the king size bed, and daddy have to sleep on their mattress. Last week, we just move their bed to our room, so thought we can have our king size bed back, but hor, Fearles will still crawl over to my place and sleep with me. My boys like to "stick" to me like glue and sleep, always give me that "warm/hot" feel. And agree with you, my boys tend to have ugly sleeping position too, sometime Fearles leg will "land" on my face or head!!!

Wah! I like the soup and your chicken satays!!

LHS said...

i really salute you, a career woman who can cook and bake well!

Irene said...


Anonymous said...

lei yau mou gau chor ah? u can cook like that and for me i die lor esp wo a maid now. lei hou yeh oso la...

twins will always be twins hor, so close of them la... do they like have' sum yau ling sai' kind of thing too ah?

slavemom said...

My girl is not so clingy when she sleeps (where got chance?) but ah boy is like UHU. Now he likes to hug my neck, can be quite suffocating at times. If I push his hand away, he'll 'fatt lan char' one loh. haiyo...
Ur baking n cooking sessions r getting vy regular liao. Always creating great stuff. The cookies vy cantik after deco lah. Jes like b4 n after make-up. ;)
As for the safety gears, pls ensure that they wear them. Gotta be stern. No wear, no cycle.

Robertjo said...

Full marks for your satay and other dish for your sister's pot luck. And to think that only a little while ago you mentioned what a lousy cook you were.