Our first few bentos begin with the simplest & easy ones ...... there are surely a lot to learn in this "art & craft" work of bento'ing !!! I gotta admit that it is no easy task.....lack of interest, patience & 'love' with "details" will surely bring you to nowhere with bento !! Though it eats up at least 1/2 an hour of my limited hours at night, each time i saw the outcome of this artwork, a smile from my heart will follow suit.
Furthermore, after 3 days of "showing-off" their bento to their school friends, to my surprise the boys told me his friend's comment :
Scot : mumy, jayden (classmate) said my mumy very clever !!!! ....... bwa hahahaha .... so hapy edi !!
Some more, my huby also can't resist to smile seeing these little cute stuffs i made which he never understand. But you know what his comment was??
He nodded his head & said : "good.... good.... good...." pause for a while..........making me so hepi.......
but then added his sentence : "that keeps you busy" ..................... i was like fallen from a high rise "tong ngiau" .....geram nya !!!!! Yeah, as if i always annoyed him....cilaka ???
Anyway, i'll try to prepare bento for the boys from mon to wed when the boys needed to attend extra tuition lesson (mandarin & art) after daily class. Ordinary lesson is from 8:30 to 11:30 then extra class will last up to 1p.m. By then, the boys would normally in great hunger. Since 'kakak' arrived last month, the boys no longer take lunch in school so the idea of bento came just in time......
Anyway.....long stories cut short, here are my humble works.......
Chocolate muffin (bought, not home-made), kiwi stick, cheese & chocolate
Salmon sausage, baby carrot, bear bread & strawberry in honey
Anyway, tomorrow is Thursday, grandpa will pick them up at 11:30 so no need additional food as the menu in school is porridge. So i'd just made them fruit stick....
Hope they like it........
Wah!! This mummy banyak rajin wor!! Now i see so many mummies into bento'ing! I bought a double deck Lilo and Stich lunch box for my son's birthday, but so far i have not make them any nice and cute food yet. Normally i will bring that lunch box while we dining out, because some restaurant is not so kid's friendly, don't have any small spoon or plastic plate, that's y i bring my own one.
i like ur bento too...not so canggih like some mother. hehehehe
So that is Bento, and the time spent on it keeps you away from your blog, ah well poor Jin, are you tslking to him yet? (hahahah)
Personally it looks like a lot of work preparing the boys' snacks but at least you know that they are eating healthy foods not junk food.
Normal food do look vy appetising after being bento-ed. :D The boys must be vy proud when the fren commented that their mummy's vy clever. Yes, she is! ;)
Wow! A good start to beto-ing! :)
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